User Profile - tooooooo9

Username tooooooo9
ID 135237071
Level User (100)
Points 3799 (Rank 6886)
Messages sent 1402 (Rank 3245)
Last seen 2024-03-30 22:51:52.524406+00:00
Last active in chat 2021-12-22 23:15:15.667482+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 26 days and 4 hours
Time spent in offline chat 18 days and 3 hours
Permabanned on degeneratbot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 9
Duels Won 7
Duels Lost 2
Winrate 77.78%
Profit from duels 1316 points
Last duel 2021-06-08 22:07:02.366882+00:00
Longest Win Streak 4
Current Win Streak 3

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 47095
Roulettes amount 16
Profit -9097
Winrate 56.25%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 3
Biggest win 5202
Biggest loss -10536

Roulette history

Time Diff
2021-11-11 13:45:39.229419+00:00 -10536
2021-11-07 20:42:56.400448+00:00 5202
2021-11-05 22:11:20.807169+00:00 2568
2021-06-15 22:02:41.170720+00:00 -10278
2021-06-09 19:19:12.087979+00:00 5054
2021-06-08 22:29:43.713584+00:00 2523
2021-06-07 23:13:12.611090+00:00 1042
2021-05-18 14:58:40.513747+00:00 -3200
2021-05-18 14:18:24.961942+00:00 1600
2021-05-11 21:07:40.998056+00:00 690
2021-05-10 19:41:42.344725+00:00 145
2021-05-09 18:55:09.106619+00:00 -850
2021-05-07 20:27:10.423555+00:00 175
2021-05-03 17:38:42.671693+00:00 -330
2021-04-26 19:18:41.534270+00:00 -300
2021-04-19 12:07:36.973972+00:00 -2602